Friday, May 29, 2009

beautiful sunshine memories...

How to Wear a Kimono Instructions

  1. Always,put on white tabi sock 1st. It is difficult 2 bend to put on socks after the full kimono and belt is on.
  2. Put on the undergarment slips called juban consisting of a white cotton top and skirt. Today ,an alternative is to wear only the white collar that goes around the neck called the eri-sugata. 
  3. Put on the kimono , making sure back seam is centered.
  4. For both men and women , wrap the right side of the kimono over the body,then overlap it with the left side.
  5. Right on the left is only used to dress a corpse for burial. 
  6. Adjust the white slip collar to show evenly around the neck just under the kimono collar.



The vinyl zori sandals is the most popular shoe worn for formal occasions with the kimono. The thongs are normally made of velvet or vinyl and come in a variety of colors . Pay attention on our legs...

Traditional Japanese Clothing Types
The traditional forms of japanese clothing or japanese clothes in general is called wafuku. Traditional japanese clothing can be broken down into the following clothing categories.  

Kimono - meaning clothing or things to wear is the basic japanese clothing

Yukata - the summer kimono

Nagajugan - undergarments

Clothing Accessories - obi, shoes, socks, etc.

Haori - short silk jackets

Michiyuki - Overcoats

Hakama - japanese pants

Uchikake - most formal kimono

Shiro-maku - wedding kimono

the room we gonna enter~
crowded with people..
one by one takes turn to enter ...
The host sits seiza to open and close the tea room doors

Men's Kimono
Kimono were traditionally worn by men as daily wear clothing, but today they are usually only worn for festivals, ceremonies, special occasions and as kimono robes. Men's kimono, like women's can can range from simple to elaborate patterns. Popular kimono patterns include dragons, koi and masculine designs and generally are conservative in color. The kimono background color is usually blue, black, gray or brown with contrasting designs. Kimono with scenes and motifs include; dragons, kanji symbols, bamboo canes or geometric patterns.

The sleeves for men's kimono are are completely sewn closed under the arm in comparison with the open underarm sleeve on women's kimono. The underarm portion is called tamoto in Japanese.    

Tatami is an integral part of tea ceremony. The main areas of tea rooms and tea houses have tatami floors, and the scroll alcove in tea rooms often has a tatami floor as well...
1 of the way to shown respect....
Kimono used to be mandatory dress for students of tea ceremony, and while this practice continues many teachers do not insist upon it; it is not uncommon for students to wear western clothes for  practice!!
Japanese usually eat seasonal sweets.
These dried sweets express flowers and leaves of "Hydrangea"= あじさい
These wet sweets express "Fish"=あゆ
ingredients are "Bean jam"=アンン&"Agar"=かんてん
and....drinking green tea in the TEA CEREMONY...
because most of Japanese are fond of nature...

Tea bowl (chawan 茶碗; main article: chawan). Arguably the most essential implement; without these, tea could not be served or drunk at all. Tea bowls are available in a wide range of sizes and styles, and different styles are used for thick and thin tea....
during the tea ceremony,once have chance get a quite snap of my self...